With an anti-conservation supermajority in the Montana state legislature, conservation and our freedom to access our public lands is under attack. During the 2025 legislative session, MCV Education Fund will defend our freedom to access our public lands as well as protect our right to clean air and clean water. 

That’s why we’re relaunching MontanaPushback.org. This website is a clearinghouse to keep Montanans informed and engaged to make their voices heard. But we need your help!

Please consider making a contribution of $25, $50 or $100 today to help the MCV Education Fund reach our $20,000 fundraising goal by clicking HERE.

With a contribution of $25 or more, you’ll receive a MontanaPushback sticker as our way of saying thanks for your steadfast support of the MCV Education Fund.

Thank you in advance for making your most generous contribution today at MontanaPushback.org in support of our goal. Your donation will ensure our advocates remain at the Capitol to make your voice heard.

The Montana Conservation Voters Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Contributions are tax-deductible. (Tax ID: 81-0525336)